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Save Money, Increase Accuracy

MPI Cleanup Customer Example

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A Mid-Atlantic healthcare organization

faced a critical data integrity challenge across its three patient systems, housing approximately 500,000 records. The staff was aware of duplicate patient entries within each system but lacked an efficient method to identify and eliminate them. Leaving these duplicates unchecked posed a significant risk to patient safety.To address this issue, the organization partnered with EntityWise to implement a cutting-edge machine learning match algorithm. This solution offered:

High-fidelity replication of the data team's decision-making process​

Unparalleled speed and scalability in processing large datasets

Substantial cost reduction compared to manual review methods

By leveraging EntityWise's advanced technology, the healthcare provider could swiftly and accurately identify duplicate patient records, enhancing data quality and safeguarding patient care across all three systems.

The healthcare provider managed 495,000 patient records distributed across three systems and aimed to identify duplicate entries within each individual system.


Patient Records

Large Backlog

They provided the source records, and within a few weeks, EntityWise delivered three distinct result sets of duplicates—one for each source system.



Speed to Delivery

The alternative solutions were significantly more expensive and they took more time, more effort from the client and were less accurate.


$34,000 & 6 months Saved

Significant Costs

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